FREE Download Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise & Professional with License Key

FREE Download Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise & Professional with License Key

Version: 17.8.4
Product Release Date: January 9, 2024
Free Download Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise & Professional With License Key
Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring.
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 is an integrated development environment (IDE) by Microsoft. Visual Studio includes a code editor that supports IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger can function as both source- and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler, a designer for building GUI applications, a web designer, a class designer, and a database schema designer.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise License Key:


Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Professional License Key:


Microsoft Visual Studio 2022

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 supports plug-ins that expand the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion and Git) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Azure DevOps client: Team Explorer).

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 supports 36 programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C, C++, C++/CLI, Visual Basic .NET, C#, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, XSLT, HTML, and CSS. Support for other languages, such as Python, Ruby, Node.js, and M, is available via plug-ins. Java (and J#) were previously supported.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 does not intrinsically support any programming language, solution, or tool; instead, it permits plugging functionality coded as a VSPackage. Once installed, the functionality is available as a Service. The IDE offers three services: SVsSolution, which provides the ability to enumerate projects and solutions; SVsUIShell, which offers windowing and UI functionality (including tabs, toolbars, and tool windows); and SVsShell, which deals with registration of VSPackages. The IDE is also responsible for coordinating and enabling communication between services. All editors, designers, project types, and other tools are implemented as VSPackages.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 utilizes COM to access the VSPackages. The Visual Studio SDK also includes the Managed Package Framework (MPF), a set of managed wrappers around the COM interfaces that let the Packages be written in any CLI-compliant language. However, MPF does not provide all the functionality the Visual Studio COM interfaces expose. The services can then be consumed for the creation of other packages, which add functionality to the Visual Studio IDE.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community is a free, fully-featured IDE designed for students, open-source contributors, and individual developers.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Professional is a powerful, fully-featured IDE for developers creating, building, and deploying innovative applications for any platform.

Microsoft Visual Studio 200 Enterprise is a powerful, comprehensive IDE for developers designing, building, testing, and deploying complex applications for any platform—It includes the Microsoft stack.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Features:

  • Our 64-bit upgrade – Take advantage of all your computer’s resources to scale Visual Studio to the largest of projects and complex workloads without running out of memory. You can continue to run and debug your 32-bit apps.
  • C++20 Support – Visual Studio 2022 comes with our latest toolchain for targeting C++20 and is binary-compatible with 2022. Develop cross-platform C++ projects from Windows and leverage the best ecosystem offers.
  • Comes with .NET 7 – Develop cross-platform apps with C# and .NET MAUI. Build responsive Web UIs with Blazor. Build, debug, and test .NET apps in Linux environments. Use hot reload capabilities across .NET apps. Edit ASP.NET Web pages with Web Live Preview.
  • Enhanced Debugging – Unlock your potential as a developer with debugging tools that empower you to diagnose issues quickly. Use async visualizations, automatic analyzers, time travel debugging, and dozens of others tools.
  • Best IntelliCode yet – IntelliCode now automatically completes larger chunks of code, up to a whole line at a time, by understanding your coding context better and leveraging the wisdom of nearly half a million open-source repos’ code patterns.
  • IDE built for you – Visual Studio 2022 has a refreshed look with new icons and a theme that improves clarity and consistency while keeping familiarity. More than what comes out of the box, Visual Studio has 100s of options for you to customize to make Visual Studio truly yours.